Category Archives: News & Knowledge

How to prepare for a healthy pregnancy after 35

For women at the age of 35 who are wondering if you can have a baby, the answer is ‘Yes, you can!’. There is a success rate of pregnancy. When you are getting older, your strength before and during pregnancy will decrease. As your body is having less ovulation, the success rate of your pregnancy […]

Simple steps to get pregnant!

You want a baby but you still don’t get pregnant! Because you might forget to do some simple things. That’s why you couldn’t have a baby in a natural way. Today we will share some simple steps that you might have ignored before and after having sexual intercourse. So, you can be ready for the […]

How to store your vitamins to keep their best potency

Although there are clear expiration dates mentioned for vitamins and supplements, they can lose their potency and be early-expired if they are not stored properly. Today we would like to share ‘tips to store your vitamins’ to keep their best potency. If you take expired vitamins, it could do more negative than positive impacts on […]

You should know! 7 foods to avoid before having sex

What does food have to do with sex? Some foods can stimulate sexual desire and emotions. However, there are some kinds of food that if you eat before having sex, it can reduce sexual desire and hormones. Before having sex, you should avoid foods that can cause your sex power to drop so drastically that […]

Tips to get youthful-looking skin for health and beauty enthusiasts!

With increasing age, your body will continue to change. There will be physical and skin health problems, whether it is dullness, wrinkles, and dark spots. It’s time to seriously take care of yourself. So, you can have looking again with tips that health and beauty enthusiasts like as follows: Have enough rest If you do […]

Overstress in female cause infertility?!

‘Stress’ not only has a negative effect on mental health, but it is also one of the reasons causing difficulty in having children! Hormones caused by stress can interfere with the hormones in the reproductive system, resulting in anovulation that will cause the egg not to fully grow. It also makes it harder for a […]

‘Dark chocolate’ can nourish sperm!

Sweets that you are familiar with like chocolate are good for the circulatory system in the body and can make you feel happy and relaxed. Another feature of chocolate is that it helps increase the energy for men. Chocolate is made from antioxidant-rich cocoa beans. It helps the circulatory system work well, makes the sperm […]

Can expired vitamins be taken?

Many people may have encountered problems buying vitamins or food supplements but forget to eat until they are almost expired! If you can’t eat it in time, “when it expires, can I still eat it?” The answer is “Yes, you can”, but it is not recommended. Eating expired supplements can reduce their efficiency and cause […]

What to do if your husband is infertile!?

Sometimes infertility problems may not always come from the female side. For the male side, there is 30-40% chance of infertility occurred as the same as that of the female side. Sexual intercourse requires the fertilization of eggs and sperm. If in the men’s sperm quality is not good or there is no sperm at […]

Did you know? Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk to the fetus.

Many people probably know the benefits of vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for bone development and helps absorb calcium and division of cells in various organs. Apart from the body, it is also important for pregnant mothers as well. According to research by researchers at the University of Turku, Finland and Columbia University, New […]