Category Archives: Articles for infertile couples

Did you know? Eating less fruit may result in infertility

You probably know that eating nutritious food helps strengthen the body.  Especially fruits, fruits have various vitamins and nutrients. If your body lacks these nutrients, it will lead to poor performance of systems in the body, causing infertility in the future. The research published in the medical journal called Human Reproduction reveals that women who eat fruit 3 […]


Hypocalcemia refers to the level of calcium in the blood being too low. It can happen because the body has lost a huge amount of calcium or the body cannot absorb calcium enough from food. It can lead to other diseases especially osteoporosis or rickets as calcium is an essential nutrient for the nervous system, muscles, […]

Nuvo Life Care, the products behind the success of those who want to have children

Many people might be experiencing fertility problems and still can’t have kids. From now on, there’s no need to worry anymore because we’d present you products from Nuvo Life Care. Guaranteed by many reviews, they are products behind the success of many families.  Repro Vita – F: Egg supplement for women  Repro Vita – M: […]

Can pregnant women go to the dentist?

The health of dental, gum, and oral is an important thing people shouldn’t neglect even during pregnancy. Many women might be worried if they could go to the dentist while pregnant. Today, Nuvo Life Care will give you an answer. The answer is “Yes, they can”. However, it depends on the dentist’s consideration whether the […]

Reduce erectile dysfunction in men with Pycnogenol

 Erectile Dysfunction or impotence is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough during sex. This can happen in men at any age, but it is usually found when getting older.   The most likely causes are emotional problems, mental problems, and medication affecting sex drive such as sedatives and alcohol. Fatigue and age […]

“Having kids when ready”, 6 Things parents should know

6 Reminders for having kids when ready. How ready parents need to be? What behaviors showing you are not ready? For a baby to grow, the parenthood of father and mother is significant. Before you decide to get pregnant, you need to consider yourself how ready you are. Today, we’d like to share 6 basic […]

Benefits of Inositol

Inositol or so-called vitamin B8 is a nutrient that the body receives from some types of food like fruits and nuts. The body can also produce this substance by itself from starch. Inositol is important to the body and is an essential vitamin for people who want to have babies. Inositol has many benefits like Regulate period  Reduce appetite […]

How does exercise affect fertility?

Exercise is important to fertility more than you think. Many people usually ignore their exercise because they are already satisfied with their weight, which is wrong. This thing does not ensure a successful pregnancy.  And what kind of exercise can increase the pregnancy rate? Good exercise lasts about 30-45 minutes per day If you have […]

How to deal with being sick while pregnant

Primary self-care practices when you are sick during pregnancy Sometimes a mild sickness or illness won’t disturb daily life too much. A pregnant woman can take care of herself without seeing a doctor. For example, rubbing the body with towels to reduce fever, drinking enough water, and getting enough rest. Moreover, when a pregnant woman […]

What are the signs of fetal distress during pregnancy?

Apart from pregnant women who can be stressed, their babies can get distressed too. What are the signs of fetal distress during pregnancy? Let’s find out. Pregnant women with congenital blood vessel disorders – It will result in poor blood flow to the baby such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, etc.  Pregnant women with placental […]